D’abord un grand merci à vous pour cette application que j’utilise depuis bientôt un an avec plaisir !
J’utilise Kresus par l’intermédiaire de Yunohost sur un Raspberry PI 4.
Suite à la mise à jours vers la version 18.1 (depuis la version 0.17.4), l’application ne se lance plus. Quand j’essaie de me connecter j’ai le message : « Error when starting the app: »
Cela parait cohérent puisque depuis l’interface d’administration de Yunohost le service est indiqué comme arrêté (« failed »). En redémarrant le service ou en redémarrant Yunohost complètement, toujours le même résultat : l’appli passe directement en « failed » au démarrage.
On voit dans les logs les tentatives de démarrage :
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: Started kresus.
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Service RestartSec=100ms expired, scheduling restart.
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 1.
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: Stopped kresus.
Jun 22 20:01:33 systemd[1]: Started kresus.
Jun 22 20:01:34 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Main process exited, code=killed, status=11/SEGV
Jun 22 20:01:34 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Failed with result 'signal'.
Jun 22 20:01:34 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Service RestartSec=100ms expired, scheduling restart.
Jun 22 20:01:34 systemd[1]: kresus.service: Scheduled restart job, restart counter is at 2.
Jun 22 20:01:34 systemd[1]: Stopped kresus.
Je ne suis pas vraiment expert niveau informatique (plutôt utilisateur), donc si j’ai oublié quelque chose (si il y a d’autre log ailleurs) ou si c’est une erreur débutant, n’hésitez pas à me le dire …
Si quelqu’un à une idée de comment résoudre le problème …
Désole pour le temps de réponse (Et tout ce suspens pour ça ) : le fichier log est totalement vide (0ko / dernière modification au 22 juin à 19h → Heure de la mise à jours)…
Il y aurait quelque chose d’autre à faire ? Regarder ?
Je n’ai pas fait d’export depuis Krésus avant de faire la mise à jours (j’en fais parfois mais pas là forcément >_<"), par contre Yunohost fait une sauvegarde avant → Je suis donc bien tenté par une restauration si il n’y a pas d’autre idées …
Peux-tu essayer PATH=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node/14/bin /var/www/kresus/bin/kresus.js --config /var/www/kresus/config.ini et voir ce que ça retourne stp ?
J’ai exécuté la commande (en me connectant en SSH avec l’identifiant root (la commande indiquait « acces denied » quand j’étais connecté avec admin (si ça peut servir à quelqu’un… ))).
La commande semble avoir fait repartir l’appli (j’ai mis le retour de la commande ci-dessous): je pouvais accéder à nouveau à l’appli, par contre :
L’appli étais toujours signalée comme « failed » dans les services depuis l’interface admin de Yunohost
Après reboot de Yunohost ça ne marche plus. Les logs, suite au redémarrage, ne semblent pas fonctionner.
→ Histoire de m’endormir moins bête le soir, est-ce que tu peux me dire ce que fait la commande que j’ai exécutée ?
→ Est-ce que tu as une idée pour régler le problème ou je tente de réinstaller l’appli (j’ai fait un export quand l’appli fonctionnait avant de reboot yunohot). Dans ce cas, est-ce que tu sais si les règles d’auto catégorisation seront réimportés ?
Merci pour ton support
root@*****:~# PATH=/opt/node_n/n/versions/node/14/bin /var/www/kresus/bin/kresus.js --config /var/www/kresus/config.ini
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.258] [WARN] apply-config - In development mode, forcing port to 9876 for webpack-dev-server.
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.295] [INFO] apply-config - Running Kresus with the following parameters:
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.297] [INFO] apply-config - NODE_ENV = development
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.297] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_LOGIN = user
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.297] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DIR = /var/www/kresus/data/
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.298] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_USER_ID = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.298] [INFO] apply-config - PORT = 9876
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.298] [INFO] apply-config - HOST =
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.299] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_PYTHON_EXEC = /var/www/kresus/venv/bin/python
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.299] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_URL_PREFIX = /kresus
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.299] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_SALT = (hidden)
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.299] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_FORCE_DEMO_MODE = false
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.300] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_WOOB_DIR = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.300] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_WOOB_SOURCES_LIST = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.300] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_TRANSPORT = sendmail
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.300] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_SENDMAIL_BIN = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.301] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_FROM = kresus@***********.ynh.fr
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.301] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_HOST =
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.301] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_PORT = 465
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.301] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_USER = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.301] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_PASSWORD = (hidden)
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.302] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_FORCE_TLS = false
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.302] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_EMAIL_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED_TLS = true
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.302] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_APPRISE_API_BASE_URL = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.302] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_AUTH = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.303] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_LOG_FILE = /var/log/kresus/kresus.log
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.303] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_TYPE = postgres
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.303] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_LOG = error
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.303] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_SQLITE_PATH = null
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.303] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_HOST = localhost
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.304] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_PORT = 5432
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.304] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_USERNAME = kresus
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.304] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_PASSWORD = (hidden)
[2022-06-28T18:14:11.304] [INFO] apply-config - KRESUS_DB_NAME = kresus
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.246] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Running data migration on banks (2021-08-14)
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.247] [INFO] models/data-migrations - > Renaming bnporc to bnp...
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.330] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Finished running data migration on banks (2021-08-14)
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.797] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Running data migration on manual bank (resetting balance)
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.810] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Finished running data migration on manual bank (resetting balance)
[2022-06-28T18:14:17.821] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Running data migration on banks (setting default real balance)
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.799] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Finished running data migration on disabled banks (resetting balance)
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.813] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Running data migration on banks (2022-06-09)
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.819] [INFO] models/data-migrations - Finished running data migration on banks (2022-06-09)
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.850] [INFO] models/index - User has id 1
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.851] [INFO] init - Starting bank accounts polling et al...
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.858] [INFO] poller - > Next check of accounts on 29/06/2022 at 03:42:00
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.860] [INFO] poller - Checking accounts and operations for all accesses...
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.886] [INFO] accounts-manager - Retrieve all accounts from access cmb with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.930] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command accounts...
[2022-06-28T18:14:18.930] [INFO] providers/woob - Woob will be updated prior to command "accounts"
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.144] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.145] [WARN] providers/woob - stderr: 2022-06-28 18:14:22,337:ERROR:root:main.py:293:error Cannot find gpg or gpgv to check for repository authenticity.
You should install GPG for better security.
2022-06-28 18:14:22,396:ERROR:root:main.py:293:error Cannot find gpg or gpgv to check for repository authenticity.
You should install GPG for better security.
2022-06-28 18:14:31,103:WARNING:woob.cmb.browser:browser.py:398:iter_accounts replace <Account id='***********' label='***********C'> because it seems to be a duplicate of <Account id='***********' label='***********'>
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.145] [INFO] providers/woob - Saving session for access from bank cmb with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.209] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.210] [INFO] accounts-manager - -> 5 bank account(s) found
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.217] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 1 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.241] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 5 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.249] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 3 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.266] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 4 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.283] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 2 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:14:32.324] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command operations...
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.624] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.624] [WARN] providers/woob - stderr: 2022-06-28 18:14:38,909:WARNING:woob.cmb.browser:browser.py:398:iter_accounts replace <Account id='***********' label='***********'> because it seems to be a duplicate of <Account id='***********' label='***********'>
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.625] [INFO] providers/woob - Saving session for access from bank cmb with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.740] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.741] [INFO] accounts-manager - Normalizing source information...
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.759] [INFO] accounts-manager - 27 transactions retrieved from source.
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.760] [INFO] accounts-manager - Comparing with database to ignore already known transactions…
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.874] [INFO] accounts-manager - 6 new transactions found!
[2022-06-28T18:15:16.874] [INFO] accounts-manager - Creating new transactions…
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.033] [INFO] accounts-manager - Done.
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.098] [INFO] accounts-manager - Checking alerts based on accounts balances...
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.134] [ERROR] helpers - Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForAccounts (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:104:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:448:9)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.135] [ERROR] alert-manager - Error when checking alerts for accounts: Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForAccounts (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:104:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:448:9)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.136] [INFO] accounts-manager - Checking alerts based on transactions amounts...
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.141] [ERROR] helpers - Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:53:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:451:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.142] [ERROR] alert-manager - Error when checking alerts for operations: Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:53:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:451:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.175] [INFO] accounts-manager - Post process: done.
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.176] [INFO] accounts-manager - Retrieve all accounts from access cragr with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:15:17.182] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command accounts...
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.489] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.490] [INFO] providers/woob - Saving session for access from bank cragr with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.542] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.543] [INFO] accounts-manager - -> 4 bank account(s) found
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.548] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 8 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.562] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 9 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.585] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 7 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.596] [INFO] accounts-manager - Account 6 already known and in Kresus's database
[2022-06-28T18:15:21.628] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command operations...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.122] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.124] [INFO] providers/woob - Saving session for access from bank cragr with login ***********
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.195] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.196] [INFO] accounts-manager - Normalizing source information...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.219] [INFO] accounts-manager - 99 transactions retrieved from source.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.220] [INFO] accounts-manager - Comparing with database to ignore already known transactions…
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.370] [INFO] accounts-manager - 10 new transactions found!
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.371] [INFO] accounts-manager - Creating new transactions…
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.551] [INFO] accounts-manager - Done.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.596] [INFO] accounts-manager - Checking alerts based on accounts balances...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.600] [ERROR] helpers - Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForAccounts (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:104:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:448:9)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.600] [ERROR] alert-manager - Error when checking alerts for accounts: Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForAccounts (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:104:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:448:9)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.601] [INFO] accounts-manager - Checking alerts based on transactions amounts...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.607] [ERROR] helpers - Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:53:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:451:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.608] [ERROR] alert-manager - Error when checking alerts for operations: Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async AlertManager.checkAlertsForTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/alert-manager.js:53:26)
at async AccountManager.syncTransactions (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/accounts-manager.js:451:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:72:45)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.625] [INFO] accounts-manager - Post process: done.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.626] [INFO] poller - All accounts have been polled.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.626] [INFO] poller - Maybe sending reports...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.627] [INFO] report-manager - Checking if user has enabled daily report...
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.631] [ERROR] helpers - Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async ReportManager.prepareReport (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:48:22)
at async ReportManager.manageReports (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:25:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:94:5)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.631] [WARN] report-manager - Error when preparing reports: Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async ReportManager.prepareReport (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:48:22)
at async ReportManager.manageReports (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:25:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:94:5)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
Error: Assertion error: Expected variable to be defined
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:31:46)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async ReportManager.prepareReport (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:48:22)
at async ReportManager.manageReports (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:25:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:94:5)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
at panic (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:33:11)
at unwrap (/var/www/kresus/build/server/helpers.js:44:9)
at getTranslator (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/translator.js:20:43)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async ReportManager.prepareReport (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:48:22)
at async ReportManager.manageReports (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/report-manager.js:25:13)
at async fullPoll (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:94:5)
at async Poller.run (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:128:13)
at async Poller.runAtStartup (/var/www/kresus/build/server/lib/poller.js:136:13)
at async init (/var/www/kresus/build/server/init.js:56:9)
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.632] [INFO] poller - Reports have been sent.
[2022-06-28T18:15:29.632] [INFO] init - Server is ready, let's start the show!
[2022-06-28T18:16:30.661] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command version...
[2022-06-28T18:16:31.306] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:16:31.307] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:16:31.435] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/all/ - 200 (1221 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:17:51.432] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/budgets/2022/5 - 200 (545 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:18:30.857] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command version...
[2022-06-28T18:18:31.484] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:18:31.485] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:18:31.488] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/instance/woob - 200 (636 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:19:44.627] [INFO] HTTP - POST /kresus/api/all/export - 200 (600 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:19:55.654] [INFO] providers/woob - Calling woob: command version...
[2022-06-28T18:19:56.325] [INFO] providers/woob - exited with code 0.
[2022-06-28T18:19:56.325] [INFO] providers/woob - OK: woob exited normally with non-empty JSON content.
[2022-06-28T18:19:56.329] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/instance/woob - 304 (679 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:20:36.594] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/rules - 200 (65 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:21:03.815] [INFO] HTTP - POST /kresus/api/settings - 200 (70 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:25:27.136] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/all/ - 200 (439 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:26:47.082] [INFO] HTTP - PUT /kresus/api/operations/2812 - 200 (88 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:27:23.429] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/manifest - 200 (19 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:27:23.899] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/all/ - 200 (420 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:27:35.909] [INFO] HTTP - POST /kresus/api/settings - 200 (63 ms)
[2022-06-28T18:28:07.189] [INFO] HTTP - GET /kresus/api/all/ - 200 (375 ms)
Connection to closed by remote host.
La même chose que fait systemd mais en cas de redémarrage rien n’est géré par exemple. Et la configuration des droits/sécurité n’est pas la même.
Peux tu commenter SystemCallErrorNumber=EPERM (en ajoutant un # devant la ligne dans /etc/systemd/system/kresus.service puis faire un systemctl daemon-reload puis service kresus restart et me dire ce que ça donne ?
J’ai fait la modification et lancé les deux commandes : aucun retour dans la fenêtre SSH (ni erreur, ni validation).
Coté appli : ne marche pas → même symptômes : « Error when starting the app: »
Coté Yunohost, le service est vu comme « En cours d’exécution ».
Coté log : aucun log depuis hier avant que je reboot suite à l’exécution de tes instructions.
J’ai essayé de reboot Yunohost, aucun changement par rapport à ce que je viens de décrire (Error de l’appli, en cours d’exécution coté yunohost, pas de LOG).
Tu as d’autres idées ? Sinon Yunohost me propose la mise à jours de Kresus de 0.18.1~ynh3 à 0.18.1~ynh4 … Je tente ou tu veux voir d’autre chose avant ?
J’ai tenté de désinstaller / réinstaller l’appli → Marche pas. Même en repassant les commandes que tu m’avais donnés au début.
J’ai restauré la sauvegarde V17 (réalisé automatiquement par yunohost avant mise à jours), et tout marche correctement.
→ Il semble donc que qu’il y ait bien quelque chose entre la V17 et la V18 qui n’est pas compatible avec mon installation … Est-ce que tu aurais une idée ?
Une 0.18.1~ynh5 est sortie réglant des soucis sur ARM.
Pour le reste sans logs c’est compliqué de voir d’où vient le problème.
Peut-être des directives du service systemd mais sans logs j’ignore comment avancer…
J’ai passé la ynh5 et tout semble fonctionner …
→ Ca devait donc venir des soucis sur ARM …
Désolé de t’avoir pris du temps avec ça et merci du support !