Why is this forum only in French?

Are French users your main or only user base? (I just fiddled around to find the language setting to set the forum UI to English, but well… the content is French of course anyway.)

If so, maybe it would help to make that forum multi-lingual or at least have an English-speaking category as well… many people speak English and for FLOSS projects it is quite a default.

I mean your repo and I guess source code is also in English.

Due to the banks connectors being mainly for French banks (in woob project) the main user base is indeed French.

That said we should both improve and document our API and improve manual bank accesses, which would allow more usages, not limited to the current French banks.

I know several projects have a category by language then subcategories. Do you think that’s how it should be here too?

Ah thanks. Yeah you could do it like that, e.g. like https://discussion.fedoraproject.org/.

And surely, improving and adding bank support is always good. WIth more and more international users, more may also contribute bank integration hehe.

1 « J'aime »

Hi! Thanks for your message and welcome to the community! I’ve just created an English-speaking category, if you have any questions or feedback about Kresus let us know!

1 « J'aime »